What is Tokamak?
Tokamak is a "physics engine", a library for C++ programmers which calculates the movement of rigid bodies. It is designed for realtime game physics and includes friction, joints, an efficient collision detection, a particle system and a breakage model.
Why use it?
The engine is free to use. Its object oriented programming model is another reason to choose tokamak.
Where can I get more information?
The official Tokamak web-site can be found at http://www.tokamakphysics.com where you can download the library and visit a user forum.
The latest version of the documentation is a Wiki at http://tokamak.xwiki.com, the original docs are located at http://www.tokamakphysics.com/documentation/. I am afraid this documentation is only useful for finding out the api calls, but in most cases you don't get a deeper understanding.
This is why tutorials are helpful.
Adam Dawes has created some tutorials which are very good. He explains how to get started with Tokamak in a DirectX environment. You can find his page at http://www.adamdawes.com
I want to add some more examples here using my Tokamak display class for OpenGL.

What you learn:
- Set up Tokamak
- Query the position of the objects in Tokamak's simulation

- Tokamak
- Tokamak OpenGL display class

Source (VC7 project), EXE file (236kb)

What you learn:
- What are joints? What types exist in Tokamak?
- How to use joints in Tokamak

- Tokamak
- Tokamak OpenGL display class

Source (VC7 project), EXE files (348kb)

What you learn:
- How to use my spring class for Tokamak
- How to use neRigidBodyController/neRigidBodyControllerCallback
- How my spring class for Tokamak works
- Tokamak
- Tokamak OpenGL display class

Source (VC7 project), EXE files (693kb)

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